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Apprenticeship Supply-chain Fees and Charges Policy 2023-2024


As a premier provider of professional education, BPP believes that it is in the best position to deliver our employers’ apprenticeship programmes to learners. In the first instance, therefore, BPP will seek to deliver all of its apprenticeship training.

However, we recognise that in certain situations it may be appropriate to subcontract and so, when it is in the best interests of employers and learners, and BPP is in a position to support and manage the subcontracted provision, BPP may consider subcontracting where:

  • it is requested by the employer; or

  • within a Standard that BPP does deliver, where we do not deliver an integrated professional qualification.

BPP will assess the viability of subcontracting for the employer by analysing the size of the apprenticeship programme they are seeking to deliver with BPP. Only where BPP would still directly deliver some of the employer’s overall apprenticeship programme and feel that the subcontractor will add value, enhance the opportunities available to apprentices and where the subcontractor is an expert in the sector would we consider subcontracting.

Scope of the Policy

This policy covers supply chain fees and charges for subcontracted delivery as part of BPP’s Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) contract for the provision of Apprenticeships.

Management Fees

BPP will charge up to 5% of the apprenticeship funding cap as a management fee, to monitor the subcontract and conduct quality visits to ensure high quality delivery.

Which is reasonable and proportionate to the delivery of the apprenticeship training being delivered by subcontractors. The range of monitoring activities (as listed in the table) that BPP provides to our sub-contractors, ensures that we offer a high level of support and feedback, that is paramount to ensuring delivery of learning that meets standards to produce excellent quality at all times.

The specific fee will be negotiated and will be based on the following, as well as any additional relevant considerations:

  • apprenticeship level

  • the contract values

  • the established relationship between the subcontractor and BPP, if any

  • the experience of the subcontractor in the delivery of education generally and apprenticeships in particular

  • the level of financial risk the subcontractor poses, as assessed by BPP

  • the level of support requested by the subcontractor or assessed by BPP to be required; and

  • performance against KPIs agreed in the subcontractor contract.

How BPP Supports Subcontractors

To support and manage our subcontractors, including quality monitoring, BPP will complete the following activities:

Legal and financial
Legal, Financial and Academic Due diligence, including annual refresh
Ouality Assurance
Complete regular quality review calls
Monitoring of Grades, Attendance, Learner Progress, and Complaints
Review of policies and procedures for Safeguarding and Prevent
Complete observations of teaching and learning
Management of feedback and recommendations (from students, employers or PSRBs) relevant to the sub-contracted delivery
Administration and Other
Data returns
Manage complains and reporting to the appropriate channel
Assurance of sub-contractor management observations as a standard part of its performance management
Sharing best practice

Payment Terms

BPP pays its subcontractors in line with the agreed terms and conditions in each subcontractor’s subcontract. Payments will be audited through regular reconciliation of learners and payments.

Policy Communication and Review

This policy will be supplied to prospective subcontractors as part of the due diligence process and is published on the BPP website.

This policy will be reviewed annually in October of each year.

October 2023
Deputy CEO
BPP Education Group