SQE exam results: the importance of SQE preparation courses

Explore SQE exams with BPP: Understand their structure, pass rates, success strategies, and how to choose the right SQE preparation course. Read more!
The SQE exam results have shown how challenging the SQE exams are. Despite removing the requirement to undertake dedicated training, it is clear that an SQE preparation course is a must for candidates to succeed in these challenging assessments.
What does the SQE involve?
The SQE is a practice-based examination. Instead of writing long essays on subjects, you will tackle legal scenarios framed as multiple-choice questions.
Questions are marked on a best-case basis. While each choice will be plausible, the correct answer will reflect what the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) considers to be day one solicitor competence. This means the SQE is assessed at the level of a qualified solicitor.
SQE pass rates: how to succeed in the exams
The SQE exam results at BPP have been very positive:
SQE 1 results: 74%
SQE2 results: 98%*
compared to the national average SRA SQE results of 48% for SQE1% for SQE1 and 77% for SQE2.
These results show that while the SQE is challenging, a high-quality preparation course will set you up for success and help you avoid having to pay costly resit fees.
Learn more about our SQE pass rates.
How can a preparation course help with passing the SQE?
When it comes to the SQE, you’ll need to show extensive legal knowledge along with the ability to recall information quickly and precisely. While the SRA no longer requires a specific course to sit the SQE, at the very least you’ll need to have completed an undergraduate law degree (LLB) or law conversion course, before thinking about attempting the SQE exams. Finding a suitable preparation course that ensures you have the level of knowledge and understanding of the law required to pass these rigorous exams is crucial.
Choosing the right SQE preparation course for you and what to consider when comparing SQE courses
With that in mind, make sure you consider the following when comparing SQE courses:
What is my level of legal knowledge?
How confident am I in applying my legal knowledge?
How much legal training have I had, both academic and in practice?
How much professional legal experience do I have?
It is also worth considering:
How soon do I want to qualify?
How will I fund this course?
How will this course prepare me for the SQE exams?
How will this course prepare me for practice?
What can this course do for my career development outside of the SQE?
“The detailed breakdowns provided by the SRA of how students performed globally across different knowledge areas have given us valuable insight, and we are continuing to learn from this data and feeding this into our programmes.”
Jo-Anne Pugh, Dean of BPP University Law School
How can BPP help you prepare for the SQE?
Day one solicitor competence is one of the biggest differences between the SQE and the previous qualifying route, the Legal Practice Course (LPC). Training providers will therefore need to ensure that you meet this level.
We have worked with law firms, regulators, and professional bodies to develop SQE training for future solicitors. This ensures that recruiting firms will trust in the quality and professional relevance of your knowledge and skills.
Pro bono
Pro bono provides an opportunity to apply legal knowledge to real-life cases, making an impact on people’s lives. You will gain practical experience dealing with clients and learning the legal system from the inside, preparing you for the scenario-based SQE exams.
Essentials for practice
Similarly, the master’s LLM SQE1&2 includes the Essentials for Practice module, aimed at developing students beyond the SQE. Created in collaboration with leading legal employers and endorsed by the O Shaped Lawyer, this module offers specialist pathways designed to make aspiring solicitors career ready.
BPP adapt
BPP courses are supported by Adapt, a unique learning platform that enables you to track your learning and see an accurate view of your progress. By understanding your strengths and target areas for improvement, you can ensure you’re fully prepared to pass the SQE.
“SQE1 was my most challenging assessment to date. Previously my examinations have been modular, and knowledge limited to a single area. The SQE required me to draw upon my knowledge of multiple areas of law under intense conditions.”
Will Preston, Solicitor Apprentice at Eversheds Sunderland
Advice from BPP students on sitting the SQE
“During the assessment there will be questions on topics that you may not be prepared for. It is important to remain calm, draw upon what you do know, and narrow down the options where you can. When you’re unsure and it comes to deciding between your remaining options, gauge what seems the most logical outcome based on the facts.”
Will Preston, Solicitor Apprentice at Eversheds Sutherland
“My main advice would be to start preparation as early as possible. Getting your notes in order ahead of time and starting to learn the basics provides a really strong platform for the revision period…I would also encourage students to make the most of the forums to raise queries with tutors and fellow students. I found this invaluable in my preparation by having my own queries answered and also validating my own knowledge by attempting to answer queries from my peers.”
Joseph Forbes, Legal Apprentice at DPDgroup UK
Final Thoughts
If you are looking to become a solicitor, then an SQE preparation course will give you the best chance of success with these challenging exams. As the SQE pass rate shows, a high-quality preparation course can be the difference between passing on your first sitting or having to find the funds for a resit.
There are a variety of courses to suit your specific training needs. Bear in mind that the course you pick should not only give you the skills and knowledge needed to pass the SQE exams but prepares you for your career in practice.
View our SQE courses.
Get ready for life in practice with rigorous SQE training.
*SQE1 January 2023 sitting, based on responses from over 85% of our students across all cohorts. SQE2 July 2023 sitting, results based on responses from 84% of our students across all cohorts.