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External Review Reports

BPP assures its academic standards through its engagement with external reference points including the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), The Office for Students (OfS) and Ofsted.


An annual review by the QAA requires each University to produce an action plan to respond to issues raised in the review. In 2012, the QAA confirmed that BPP University met the standards expected of a UK degree awarding body and had examples of best practice in the sector. Following an Annual Monitoring Visit in February 2017, the QAA concluded that BPP University has made ‘commendable’ progress with the implementation of its action plan. 

The latest full institutional review by the QAA of BPP University took place in December 2017. This Higher Education Review confirmed that BPP University met UK expectations in all four judgement areas, and further identified four distinct areas of good practice in: 

  1. The extensive and proactive engagement with employers in the design and delivery of programmes, which ensures that programmes and graduates are fit for purpose and business ready 

  2. the range of tailored resources and support from the Learning and Teaching Unit that enables new and experienced staff to operate effectively and continue to develop as practitioners and academics 

  3. The Career Ready Strategy, which is embedded through learning and teaching, enabling students to build and develop relevant skills for their future success 

  4. The opportunity for student representatives to create an annual Student Written Submission that feeds into the University’s strategic planning processes 

Most recently, in December 2018 BPP University underwent a monitoring visit by the QAA. The visit confirmed that BPP University was making acceptable progress with continuing to monitor, review and enhance its higher education provision since the December 2017 review. 

The Office for Students

In 2018, the University achieved registration with the Office for Students, the independent regulator of higher education in England, without conditions. 

The published OfS Register can be viewed here


In 2019, Ofsted undertook a full inspection visit of BPP University’s apprenticeship provision at Levels 2-5 with an outcome of Good. The report can be found here