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Measuring the return of your training investment at your fingertips.

How it works

Learner performance data

Data on learner performance is gathered from a wide range of sources; analysed; and displayed in user-friendly dashboards.

Detailed reports

Quick and easy to navigate your reports, and different levels of detail creating the full picture of an entire learner cohort.

View learner progress

Create bespoke views and filters to check progress by learner, paper, programme to identify those ‘At risk’ to make early interventions.

Track learner effort and ability

Track learner effort and ability over time by monitoring attempts at formative assessments and scores achieved.

View Insight in action

Monitor the progression of your learners, enabling early intervention to maximise the chances of exam success.
Understand how connected, committed and competent learners are by accessing insight into their attendance, engagement and academic performance.
Quickly see how learners are progressing against targets, allowing for proactive interventions by support teams for learners who are underperforming.
Delivered using Power BI, a market leading reporting tool, with industry leading encryption, keeping your data safe.
Report data is synced each day ensuring your reports are always up to date to make timely and important learner decisions.
Cloud-based platform allowing access from any location, alongside iOS and Android mobile apps.

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