SQE results affirms value of SQE preparation course

Why the first SQE results prove that an SQE Preparation course is essential.
Last week the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) released the pass rates of the first set of assessments for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), with an overall global pass rate of 53% - showing just how demanding these exams actually are.
Despite the removal of a requirement to undertake prescribed training, it is clear that undertaking a high-quality SQE preparation course will help candidates succeed in these rigorous and challenging assessments.
Out of a small group of 17 apprentices who are currently preparing for the SQE with BPP, 14 passed both papers, with a number of learners achieving marks well above the overall average for the first sit.
“SQE1 was my most challenging assessment to date. Previously my examinations have been modular, and knowledge limited to a single area,” explained Will Preston, Solicitor Apprentice at Eversheds Sutherland, “The SQE required me to draw upon my knowledge of multiple areas of law under intense conditions.”
Joseph Forbes, Legal Apprentice, who works in-house at DPDgroup UK shared a similar experience; “Although I expected the assessments to be difficult, the sheer number of questions and the length of time of each assessment paper was particularly challenging”.
At BPP we developed our approach to the SQE by working extensively with law firms, regulators, and professional bodies to develop the best possible training for future solicitors. Courses are designed to ensure a deep understanding of the topics on the SQE curriculum, meaning knowledge can be recalled quickly, and legal skills applied accurately.
Our unique learning platform, BPP Adapt, enables students to track their learning and see an accurate view of their progress, helping them to understand their strengths and target areas for improvement, ensuring they’re fully prepared to pass the SQE.
“Adapt proved essential to my revision as it provided me with a basis for constantly testing what I was learning, as well as what I was recalling.”
Will Preston, Solicitor Apprentice at Eversheds Sutherland
The results of this first cohort of SQE students have shown how legal training providers can continue to develop and enhance their preparation courses to maximise the success of solicitor trainees.
“The detailed breakdowns provided by the SRA of how students performed globally across different knowledge areas have given us valuable insight, and we are continuing to learn from this data and feeding this into our programmes,” stated Jo-Anne Pugh, Dean of BPP University Law School.
We asked our solicitor apprentices what advice they would give to the next cohort of students who will be sitting SQE1:
“During the assessment there will be questions on topics that you may not be prepared for. It is important to remain calm, draw upon what you do know, and narrow down the options where you can. When you’re unsure and it comes to deciding between your remaining options, gauge what seems the most logical outcome based on the facts,” advised Will.
Joseph emphasised the importance of preparation; “My main advice would be to start preparation as early as possible. Getting your notes in order ahead of time and starting to learn the basics provides a really strong platform for the revision period… I would also encourage students to make the most of the forums to raise queries with tutors and fellow students. I found this invaluable in my preparation by having my own queries answered and also validating my own knowledge by attempting to answer queries from my peers.”
Congratulations to our students on their success. We look forward to welcoming learners onto our February and September intakes this year.