BPP launch Bridge Programme for law students

This free career development course will help aspiring lawyers prepare for their future careers.
BPP University Law School is pleased to announce the launch of the Bridge Programme, a free career development course to help aspiring solicitors and barristers prepare for their future careers.
The Bridge Programme, which comprises a range of online modules to undertake alongside undergraduate studies, will bridge the gap between a degree and the next stage of legal training.
A first of its kind, this exciting opportunity is available to final year students at selected partner universities. So far, 8 universities have joined forces with BPP including Birkbeck, Essex, LSE, Leicester, Lancaster, Nottingham, Queen Mary University of London, and Royal Holloway.
The Bridge consists of two programmes and students choose the one aligned to their career aspirations: ‘Bridge to the SQE’ for prospective Solicitors, which includes modules such as Navigating the SQE, Virtual Vacation Schemes, and an Introduction to Legal Technology; and ‘Bridge to the Bar’ which includes Preparing for the BTC, a Virtual Mini Pupillage and an Advocacy Masterclass for aspiring Barristers.
The highly relevant content will empower students with the information they need to make their career-related decisions, as well as developing some of the critical competences students will need to demonstrate in the recruitment process.
Students who complete at least half of the relevant Bridge Programme have the chance of being awarded a BPP scholarship, which is provided by way of a course-fee reduction against the cost of BPP's Law Foundation Course, LPC, SQE, BTC or any of the related Master’s programmes.
Each partner university will award one £5,000 Social Mobility scholarship to one of its eligible students and up to three more awards worth £2,000 each. All students who complete the Bridge will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.
Dr Nigel Spencer (Professor of Education Innovation & Professional Practice) at Queen Mary University of London said
“I see BPP’s Bridge programme as a great platform for our students to use as they clarify their career thinking and plan their next steps. At their own pace, they can work through modules which give guidance on the skills employers seek, offer practical exercises in virtual vacation schemes, or simulated mini pupillages, build their communication skills, and help them to learn about key topics for the future such as the use of technology in legal practice.”
Jonny Hurst, Head of Outreach and Student Recruitment at BPP said
“We’re really excited to be launching the Bridge Programme, which will have a significant positive impact on all students looking to enter the profession, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds. We’re heavily invested in providing all students with the best opportunities to develop their careers and so we are delighted to report that we are close to concluding similar partnerships with a number of other universities in the near future”.
The programme which commenced a little over month ago has over 100 students registered already with many more expected to enrol over the Christmas vacation.
Find out more about our law programmes here.