Why CPD is important

Continuing professional development comprises the activities professionals engage in to develop their skills and abilities further. Learn why CPD is important.
The term continuing professional development (known as CPD) describes the type of learning activities that professionals engage in to develop their skills and abilities further. There are several CPD learning methodologies, including professional development courses, industry conferences, training workshops, e-learning programmes, and ideation sessions.
CPD enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive – this is mediated by the incorporation of vocational, practical into academic qualifications. It’s an important part of continually making personal improvements even after finishing formal education.
What makes CPD important?
As the world’s industries continuously evolve, it gets increasingly difficult to overstate the importance of continuing professional development. CPD enables individuals to reinforce and enhance their current skills while reducing any knowledge shortfalls, providing a competitive edge in times where one is needed – a job interview, for example. CPD can also set individuals apart in the job market, as many candidates vying for particular roles often hold similar fundamental qualifications.
A planned CPD approach enables individuals to take charge of their career development and aspirations. The personal empowerment derived from professional autonomy can increase confidence in one’s efficacy and ability, which can translate directly into improved work performance. This benefits employers, too, as staff are likely to be more motivated and loyal to a company that invests in them and supports their development.
CPD also ensures that both academic and vocational qualifications do not become obsolete, allowing individuals to continually up-skill and develop their proficiencies, regardless of their age, occupation, or educational level.
CPD learning types
Structured CPD – Active learning
Structured CPD adopts an interactive approach underpinned by participatory learning. The method's integral activities are training courses, workshops, conferences, seminars, lectures, and e-learning courses.
Structured CPD also covers career orientated assessments and exams. Bear in mind, however, that the study and revision for these exams are regarded as self-directed learning (see Self-Directed CPD section below).
Reflective CPD – Passive Learning
Reflective CPD is one-directional and passive, and there is no participant-based interaction involved. Examples include reading relevant news articles, case studies, and industry updates, as well as listening to podcasts.
Some informal meetings fall into the Reflective CPD bracket, so long as their learning objectives are specified in an individual's overall CPD plan.
Self-Directed CPD – Unstructured Learning
Self-directed learning constitutes all unsupervised CPD activities, including reading articles and publications, either online or in print. Unstructured learning material includes peer-reviewed books and studies, industry journals, trade magazines, and industry-specific news feeds.
What are the benefits of CPD?
At its core, CPD helps individuals, organisations, and entire industries maintain and develop knowledge and skills, but it also helps employees adapt to change.
Benefits of CPD for individuals
CPD provides a panoramic view of an individual's skill set, enabling them to hone their prevalent skills while improving those that require work. Ultimately, continual upskilling boosts confidence and empowers the individual to become more proficient in their role.
Equipped with the latest in-demand skills, CPD enables employees to adapt positively to changes in work or industry requirements, which is vital in a fluid job market. CPD also provides concrete evidence of personal motivation for development, which is useful as leverage in appraisals and job applications.
Benefits of CPD for employers
Improve reputation and foster team spirit
Businesses can enhance their reputation and boost brand perception by providing CPD for their employees. By empowering their staff through CPD provision, employers promote a healthy learning culture, leading to a happier, more productive workforce, while helping to retain valuable staff.
Save time and expenditure
In cases where staff with CPD obligations rely on a professional body, parent organisations can use outsourced CPD providers if their internal resources are limited.
Moreover, many CPD courses are seminars that take place over just one or two hours, while some CPD courses are delivered via a full 6-10-week program, divided into bite-sized modules. CPD, therefore, strikes a healthy balance between work commitments and professional development.