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Additional terms and Conditions for the career guarantee


  1. These Additional Terms and Conditions ("Additional Terms") apply to the LPC and LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee offered by BPP University Limited (company number 02609100) ("University") and made pursuant and subject to these Additional Terms ("LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee").

  2. Please read these Additional Terms, the University General Terms and the BPP PE General Terms carefully before purchasing a LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) to which the LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee applies (all terms as defined below) and print off copies for your records. Neither the University or BPP PE will file or otherwise keep a copy of the agreement concluded between you and the University and a copy of the concluded agreement will not be available from the University or BPP PE at a future time and date

  3. By ordering the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) pursuant to the LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee, you are confirming your agreement to be bound by these Additional Terms, and the University General Terms or BPP PE General Terms which apply to the relevant Free Course (all terms as defined below).

  4. These Additional Terms apply to the LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee and are in addition to the general terms and conditions from time to time of the University ("University General Terms") for the University's LLB programmes ("LLB"), Graduate Diploma in Law programme ("GDL"), Legal Practice Course ("LPC"),  LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) and, where applicable, for the relevant EU Free Course or International Free Course (as defined below) (together the "Free Courses" and each a "Free Course") and, where applicable, the general terms and conditions  from time to time of BPP Professional Education Limited (company number 04546335) ("BPP PE") ("BPP PE General Terms") for the relevant Free Course (as defined below). The University General Terms and the BPP PE General Terms are available at

  5. Notwithstanding any provision of these Additional Terms, the LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee does not apply to the LLB GDL Conversion course or any LLB or GDL Revision courses offered by the University from time to time.

  6. Paragraphs 10 to 16 (inclusive) of these Additional Terms apply only where you are a resident of the United Kingdom or European Union for the purposes of the UK Border Agency or any successor body of it and have all relevant documentation in place to allow you to undertake the EU Free Course (as defined below). Where you are a resident of the United Kingdom or European Union for the purposes of the UK Border Agency or any successor body of it and have all relevant documentation in place to allow you to undertake the EU Free Course you will be considered an "EU Student" for the purposes of the LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee, and where you are an EU Qualifying Student (as defined below) the EU LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee (as defined below) applies.

  7. Where you are not an EU Student you will be considered an "International Student" for the purposes of the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee and you should refer to paragraphs 17 to 23 (inclusive) of these Additional Terms for the terms and conditions that apply to the LPC  & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee for International Free Courses (as defined below), and where you are an International Qualifying Student (as defined below) the International LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Guarantee (as defined below) applies.

  8. Paragraphs 1 to 9 (inclusive) and paragraphs 24 to 37 (inclusive) of these Additional Terms apply to EU Students and International Students (together "Students" and each a "Student").

  9. The LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee does not include any registration or enrolment fees that may be charged (whether through the University, BPP PE or otherwise) by the ACCA, CIMA, CFA®, Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment or any other governing or regulatory body that you may be required to be a member of in order to undertake the applicable Free Course and/or practice in any profession(s) relevant to the Free Course (as applicable) and/or which may set, assess or otherwise control examinations for the relevant Free Course (as defined below). Such sums shall remain your liability and shall be payable by you. Any non-payment of such sums may prevent an otherwise Qualifying Student from redeeming the relevant Free Course pursuant to the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee.

UK and EU Students Only

  1. The EU LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee consists of the University using reasonable endeavours to ensure that you are permitted to enrol on one EU Free Course free-of-charge with the University or BPP PE (as the case may be) following graduating from the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) only where you have registered to attend the LLB, GDL,LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) with the University and you meet the EU Free Course Criteria (as defined below). Where you have registered to attend the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM   Legal Practice (Solicitors) with the University and you meet the EU Free Course Criteria (as defined below) you will be considered an "EU Qualifying Student" for the purposes of the EU LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee.

  2. The EU LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee only applies to the following Courses and papers offered by the University or BPP PE (as applicable and as identified in the table below) (together the "EU Free Courses" and each a "EU Free Course"):

Course and Papers

a. Course leading towards examination papers at Professional Level (or equivalent) set by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ("ACCA").

Course offered by:

Full time – University
Other than full time – BPP PE

b. Course leading towards examination papers at T4 level (or equivalent) set by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants ("CIMA").

Course offered by: BPP PE

c. Course leading towards examination papers at Level III (or equivalent) offered by the CFA Institute ("CFA®")

Course offered by: BPP PE

d. Course leading towards examination papers for the Chartered Tax Adviser qualification offered by the Chartered Institute of Taxation.

Course offered by: BPP PE

e. Any Continuing Professional Development Course offered by BPP PE at the time of redeeming the EU LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee

Course offered by: BPP PE

f. Any MSc course offered by the University at the time of redeeming the EU LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee

Course offered by: University

g. Any LLM course offered by the University (except the LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) and the LLM Legal Practice (Barristers)) at the time of redeeming the EU LPC & LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee

Course offered by: University

  1. The relevant EU Free Course may be provided to any EU Qualifying Student(s) by the University or BPP PE (as the case may be) in classroom, by distance learning, or by any other method then available, in the sole discretion of the University or BPP PE (as applicable). Where an EU Free Course is offered on a classroom basis, where practicable (at the University or BPP PE's (as applicable) sole discretion), the EU Free Course will be provided on a classroom basis.

  2. As an EU Qualifying Student, you may only take one EU Free Course under the EU LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee and shall only be offered teaching in relation to such EU Free Course (and any examination paper related to it) once under the EU LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee. As an EU Qualifying Student, you may (at the University or BPP PE's sole discretion, as the case may be) be offered the opportunity to pay for additional teaching at the University or BPP PE's (as the case may be) list price from time to time. Where an EU Qualifying Student fails any examination which is part of a EU Free Course, all costs associated with retaking the relevant examination (including without limitation tuition) shall be payable by the EU Qualifying Student at the University or BPP PE's list price from time to time. As an EU Qualifying Student, if you qualify for any exemptions from the ACCA, CIMA, CFA® or CTA (as applicable) in relation to the relevant EU Free Course, you may not attend the modules of an EU Free Course which relate to such exemptions.

  3. In order to be a EU Qualifying Student, you must meet all of the following criteria ("EU Free Course Criteria"):

  4. You must be enrolled with the University on either the full time or part time LLB, GDL,LPC or LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) at one of the University's centres in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, Liverpool or Manchester;

  5. Where you enrol on the LLB or the GDL with the University, you must pass all modules of and examinations relating to such course at the first attempt and enrol with BPP for either the LPC or the LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) which starts in the year in which you pass your LLB or GDL (as the case may be);

  6. You must successfully pass and complete the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) with the University in accordance with the timescales set for completion of the LPC or the LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) (as the case may be) by the University from time to time;

  7. You must meet all eligibility criteria for the EU Free Course on which you wish to enrol;

  8. You must not, having used reasonable endeavours, have been offered a training contract (either in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) within six (6) calendar months of graduating from the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors);

  9. You must enrol on a EU Free Course no later than twelve (12) months after graduating from the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors);

  10. You must successfully complete the relevant EU Free Course and all examination papers relevant to that EU Free Course within the timescales set for completion by the University or BPP PE (as the case may be);

  11. You must have successfully applied for any applicable exemptions from the ACCA, CIMA, CFA® or CTA (as applicable) in relation to the relevant EU Free Course;

  12. Your attendance on the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) (as the case may be) must exceed 80%; and

  13. You must be an EU Resident.

  14. Neither the University nor BPP PE will sponsor any International Student to study an EU Free Course. Any visa granted pursuant to enrolment on the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) (as the case may be) shall not be considered as valid for the purposes of the EU Free Course.

  15. The University may require EU Qualifying Students to produce documentary evidence of a EU Qualifying Student's endeavours to secure a training contract within 6 calendar months of graduating from their LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors). The assessment of whether a EU Qualifying Student has used reasonable endeavours to secure a training contract shall be at the sole discretion of the University.

International Students Only

  1. The International LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee consists of the University using reasonable endeavours to ensure that you are permitted to enrol on one International Free Course free-of-charge with the University or BPP PE (as the case may be) following graduating from the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) only where you have registered to attend the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) with the University and you meet the International Free Course Criteria (as defined below). Where you have registered to attend the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) with the University and you meet the International Free Course Criteria (as defined below) you will be considered an "International Qualifying Student" for the purposes of the International LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee.

  2. The International LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee only applies to the following Courses and papers offered by the University or BPP PE (as applicable and as identified in the table below) (together the "International Free Courses" and each a "International Free Course")

Course and Papers

a. Course leading towards examination papers at Introductory, Intermediate or Diploma Level (or equivalent) in Foundations in Accountancy ("FIA") set by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ("ACCA"). Please note only Diploma Level courses may be available through BPP PE's Online Classroom Live. Introductory and Intermediate Level courses may only be available through BPP's Online Classroom (not Online Classroom Live).

Course offered by: BPP PE

b. Course leading towards examination papers at Professional Level (or equivalent) set by the ACCA.

Course offered by: BPP PE

c. Course leading towards examination papers at T4 level (or equivalent) set by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants ("CIMA").

Course offered by: BPP PE

d. Course leading towards examination papers at Level III (or equivalent) set by the CFA Institute ("CFA®").

Course offered by: BPP PE

e. Course leading towards examination papers at Investment Management Certificate Level ("IMC") set by the CFA®.

Course offered by: BPP PE

f. Course leading towards examination papers towards Associate Chartered Accountant ("ACA") qualification set by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ("ICAEW").

Course offered by: BPP PE

g. Course leading towards examination papers towards qualifications awarded by the Association of Accounting Technicians ("ATT").

Course offered by: BPP PE

h. Course leading towards examination papers towards qualification through the Chartered Secretaries Qualifying Scheme ("CSQS") and set by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators ("ICSA"). Please note that this does not in any way include any certificates, diplomas or other awards in Offshore Finance and/or Administration.

Course offered by: BPP PE

i. Course leading towards examination papers towards Certificate in Finance Accounting and Business ("CFAB") set by the ICAEW. Please note that this may not be available though BPP's Online Classroom Live and may only be available through BPP's Online Classroom (not Online Classroom Live).

Course offered by: BPP PE

j. Course leading towards examination papers towards Chartered Tax Adviser ("CTA") qualification set by the Chartered Institute of Taxation ("CIOT"). Please note that BPP's Online Classroom Live may only be available for this course after May 2014.

Course offered by: BPP PE

k. Course leading towards examination papers towards Association of Taxation Technicians ("ATT") qualification set by CIOT.

Course offered by: BPP PE

l. Course leading towards examination papers towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Insolvency ("CPI") set by the Insolvency Practitioners Association ("IPA").

Course offered by: BPP PE

m. Course leading towards examination papers towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Personal Insolvency ("CPPI") set by the IPA.

Course offered by: BPP PE

n. Course leading towards Joint Insolvency Board ("JIEB") examinations set by the ICAEW.

Course offered by: BPP PE

o. Course leading towards examination papers leading towards the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment ("CISI") diploma set by the CISI.

Course offered by: BPP PE

p. Course towards BSc (Hons) Leadership, Enterprise and Management qualification awarded by the University. Please note that this programme may not be validated for International Qualifying Students and, if it is, will only be available after May 2014.

Course offered by: University

q. Course towards CIM Professional Certificate in Marketing qualification awarded by the Chartered Institute in Marketing ("CIM").

Course offered by: University

r. Course towards CIM Professional Diploma in Marketing awarded by CIM.

Course offered by: University

s. Course towards CIM Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing awarded by CIM.

Course offered by: University

t. Course towards CAM Diploma in Digital Marketing awarded by CIM.

Course offered by: University

u. Course towards MSc Financial Leadership awarded by the University. Please note that this programme may not be validated for International Qualifying Students.

Course offered by: University

v. Course towards MSc Professional Human Resources awarded by the University.

Course offered by: University

  1. For the avoidance of doubt, none of the International Free Courses may be taken face-to-face in a physical learning environment. The International Free Courses are only available as distance learning online courses and, to the extent that the University and/or BPP PE (as applicable) no longer delivers the International Free Course by distance learning online means, that International Free Course shall cease to be included as part of the International LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee.

  2. University and BPP PE may not be permitted by law and/or regulation to supply the International Free Course in certain countries, states and/or jurisdictions around the world. To the extent that University and/or BPP PE is precluded from such supply, it shall not be obliged to provide you with the International Free Course. In particular, as at the date of these Additional Terms, University and BPP PE do not and will not supply the International Free Course to any person resident in the People's Republic of China due to the licensing restrictions in that jurisdiction.

  3. As an International Qualifying Student, you may only take one International Free Course under the International LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee and shall only be offered teaching in relation to such International Free Course (and any examination paper related to it) once under the International LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee. As an International Qualifying Student, you may (at the University or BPP PE's sole discretion, as the case may be) be offered the opportunity to pay for additional online teaching at the University or BPP PE's (as the case may be) list price from time to time. Where an International Qualifying Student fails any examination which is part of an International Free Course, all costs associated with retaking the relevant examination (including without limitation tuition) shall be payable by the International Qualifying Student at the University or BPP PE's list price from time to time. As an International Qualifying Student, if you qualify for any exemptions from the ACCA, CIMA, CFA® or CTA (as applicable) in relation to the relevant International Free Course, you may not attend the modules of an International Free Course which relate to such exemptions.

  4. In order to be an International Qualifying Student, you must meet all of the following criteria ("International Free Course Criteria"):

  5. You must be enrolled with the University on either the full time or part time LLB, GDL,LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) at one of the University's centres in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, Liverpool or Manchester;

  6. Where you enrol on the LLB or the GDL with the University, you must pass all modules of and examinations relating to such course at the first attempt and enrol with BPP for the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) which starts in the year in which you pass your LLB or GDL (as the case may be);

  7. You must successfully pass and complete the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) with the University in accordance with the timescales set for completion of the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) (as the case may be) by the University from time to time;

  8. You must meet all eligibility criteria for the International Free Course on which you wish to enrol;

  9. You must not, having used reasonable endeavours, have been offered a training contract (either in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) within six (6) calendar months of graduating from the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors);

  10. You must enrol on an International Free Course no later than twelve (12) months after graduating from the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors);

  11. You must successfully complete the relevant International Free Course and all examination papers relevant to that International Free Course within the timescales set for completion by the University or BPP PE (as the case may be);

  12. You must have successfully applied for any applicable exemptions from the ACCA, CIMA, CFA® or CTA (as applicable) in relation to the relevant International Free Course; and

  13. Your attendance on the LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) must exceed 80% or any such threshold which may subsequently be set by the UKBA or any successor body thereto for attendance on the relevant course (whichever is higher).

  14. Neither the University nor BPP PE will sponsor any International Student to study any Free Course. Any visa granted pursuant to enrolment on the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) (as the case may be) shall not be considered as valid for the purposes of any Free Course.

  15. The University may require International Qualifying Students to produce documentary evidence of an International Qualifying Student's endeavours to secure a training contract within six (6) calendar months of graduating from their LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors). The assessment of whether an International Qualifying Student has used reasonable endeavours to secure a training contract shall be at the sole discretion of the University.

  1. The LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee can only be redeemed against a new qualifying booking onto the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) where you have not, before 6 January 2014 ("Start Date"), already accepted the offer of a place on one of those courses from the University. Any offer of the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee by the University to such Students is at the University's sole discretion.

  2. The LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion run by the University and/or BPP PE, including but not limited to BPP PE's Pass Assurance Scheme.

  3. The LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee is non-transferable by you (either to another person or to another course run by the University and/or BPP PE) and no cash alternative will be offered.


  1. The University reserves the right to withdraw the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee at any time without notice. However, the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee will not be withdrawn for you where you are already an EU Qualifying Student or an International Qualifying Student (as applicable) at the time of such withdrawal.

  2. The University and/or BPP PE may amend the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee, these the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee Terms and/or their respective the University General Terms or BPP PE General Terms (as applicable) from time to time to comply with law or regulation or in order to meet its reasonable business requirements from time to time. Such amendment may happen without notice to you. Any updates or amendments will be posted on the University or BPP PE's (as the case may be) website.

  3. Save as amended by these Additional Terms, the University or BPP PE's (as applicable) standard cancellation and deferral terms set out in the University General Terms or BPP PE General Terms (as applicable) will apply to the applicable Free Course.

  4. In the event that you (i) cancel your place on the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) after having accepted that place, (ii) withdraw from the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) at any time during such course or (iii) are withdrawn from the LLB, GDL, LPC or LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) at any time, you shall no longer be entitled to redeem the applicable Free Course nor any part of the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee. The LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee will no longer be available to you even if it is still generally available to other EU Qualifying Students and/or International Qualifying Students (as applicable).

  5. Should any refund or credit note be due to you as part of the LLB, GDL, LPC, LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) or otherwise, the value of such refund or credit note will be the amount of fees actually paid by you excluding any discount offered as part of the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee. Should you choose to defer the start date of the LPC in accordance with the University General Terms, the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee will not apply to the rebooking of the deferred course and additional course fees may be payable.

  6. If having booked a Free Course, such Free Course is cancelled by the University or BPP PE (as applicable), you may either (i) book onto the next intake of that Free Course; or (ii) book onto another Free Course. No cash alternative is available in relation to any Free Course.

Data protection

  1. The University will process the information it receives from you or otherwise holds about you in accordance with these Additional Terms, the University General Terms, and its privacy policy, which is available at

  2. In the event that you do not wish to receive correspondence from the University or any member of the BPP group of companies, you should email BPP at, telephone customer services on 03300 603100 or write to the BPP Customer Services Director at BPP Professional Education Group, Aldine House, Aldine Place, 142-144 Uxbridge Road, London, W12 8AW.


  1. If there is any conflict between these Additional Terms and the University General Terms and/or the BPP PE General Terms in relation to the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee, these Additional Terms will prevail.

  2. Neither the University nor BPP PE is liable for any delay or failure to perform any obligation to you that is caused by any circumstance beyond their reasonable control or by any act or omission of any third party. Neither the University nor BPP PE shall be liable to you for any financial loss arising out of the refusal, cancellation or withdrawal of the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee or any failure or inability by you to redeem the LPC & LLM  Legal Practice (Solicitors) Career Guarantee for any reason.

  3. These Additional Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Additional Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the University and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts with regard to any claim arising under or in connection with these Additional Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Additional Terms.


  1. These Additional Terms and Conditions ("Additional Terms") apply to the BPTC and LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee offered by BPP University Limited (company number 02609100) ("University") and made pursuant and subject to these Additional Terms ("BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee").

  2. Please read these Additional Terms, the University General Terms and the BPP PE General Terms carefully before purchasing a LLB, GDL, BPTC  or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) to which the BPTC and LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee applies (all terms as defined below) and print off copies for your records. Neither the University nor BPP PE will file or otherwise keep a copy of the agreement concluded between you and the University and a copy of the concluded agreement will not be available from the University or BPP PE at a future time and date.

  3. By ordering the LLB, GDL, BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) pursuant to the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee, you are confirming your agreement to be bound by these Additional Terms, and the University General Terms or BPP PE General Terms which apply to the relevant Free Course (all terms as defined below).

  4. These Additional Terms apply to the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee and are in addition to the general terms and conditions from time to time of the University ("University General Terms") for the University's LLB programmes ("LLB"), Graduate Diploma in Law programme ("GDL"), Bar Professional Training Course ("BPTC"), LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) ("LLM Legal Practice (Barristers)") and, where applicable, for the relevant Free Course (as defined below and, where applicable, the general terms and conditions from time to time of BPP Professional Education Limited (company number 04546335) ("BPP PE") ("BPP PE General Terms") for the relevant Free Course (as defined below). The University General Terms and the BPP PE General Terms are available at

  5. Notwithstanding any provision of these Additional Terms, the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee does not apply to the LLB GDL Conversion course or any LLB or GDL Revision courses offered by the University from time to time.

  6. These Additional Terms apply only where you are a resident of the United Kingdom or European Union for the purposes of the UK Border Agency or any successor body of it and have all relevant documentation in place to allow you to undertake the Free Course (as defined below). Where you are a resident of the United Kingdom or European Union for the purposes of the UK Border Agency or any successor body of it and have all relevant documentation in place to allow you to undertake the Free Course you will be considered a "Student" for the purposes of the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee, and where you are a Qualifying Student (as defined below) the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee (as defined below) applies.

  7. The BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee does not include any registration or enrolment fees that may be charged (whether through the University, BPP PE or otherwise) by the ACCA, CIMA, CFA®, Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment or any other governing or regulatory body that you may be required to be a member of in order to undertake the applicable Free Course and/or practice in any profession(s) relevant to the Free Course (as applicable) and/or which may set, assess or otherwise control examinations for the relevant Free Course (as defined below). Such sums shall remain your liability and shall be payable by you. Any non-payment of such sums may prevent an otherwise Qualifying Student from redeeming the relevant Free Course pursuant to the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee.

UK and EU Students Only

  1. The BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee consists of the University using reasonable endeavours to ensure that you are permitted to enrol on one Free Course free-of-charge with the University or BPP PE (as the case may be) following graduating from either the BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) only where you have registered to attend the LLB, GDL, BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) with the University and you meet the Free Course Criteria (as defined below). Where you have registered to attend the LLB, GDL, BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) with the University and you meet the Free Course Criteria (as defined below) you will be considered a "Qualifying Student" for the purposes of the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee.

  2. The BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee only applies to the following Courses and papers offered by the University or BPP PE (as applicable and as identified in the table below) (together the "Free Courses" and each a "Free Course"):

Course and Papers

a. Course leading towards examination papers at Professional Level (or equivalent) set by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ("ACCA").

Course offered by:

Full time – University
Other than full time – BPP PE

b. Course leading towards examination papers at T4 level (or equivalent) set by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants ("CIMA").

Course offered by: BPP PE

c. Course leading towards examination papers at Level III (or equivalent) offered by the CFA Institute ("CFA®")

Course offered by: BPP PE

d. Course leading towards examination papers for the Chartered Tax Adviser qualification offered by the Chartered Institute of Taxation.

Course offered by: BPP PE

e. Any Continuing Professional Development Course offered by BPP PE at the time of redeeming the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee

Course offered by: BPP PE

f. Any MSc course offered by the University at the time of redeeming the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee

Course offered by: University

g. Any LLM course offered by the University (except the LLM Legal Practice (Solicitors) and the LLM Legal Practice (Barristers))  at the time of redeeming the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee

Course offered by: University

h The Legal Practice Course as offered by the University at the time of redeeming the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee

Course offered by: University

  1. The relevant Free Course may be provided to any Qualifying Student(s) by the University or BPP PE (as the case may be) in classroom, by distance learning, or by any other method then available, in the sole discretion of the University or BPP PE (as applicable). Where a Free Course is offered on a classroom basis, where practicable (at the University or BPP PE's (as applicable) sole discretion), the Free Course will be provided on a classroom basis.

  2. As a Qualifying Student, you may only take one Free Course under the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee and shall only be offered teaching in relation to such Free Course (and any examination paper related to it) once under the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee. As a Qualifying Student, you may (at the University or BPP PE's sole discretion, as the case may be) be offered the opportunity to pay for additional teaching at the University or BPP PE's (as the case may be) list price from time to time. Where a Qualifying Student fails any examination which is part of a Free Course, all costs associated with retaking the relevant examination (including without limitation tuition) shall be payable by the Qualifying Student at the University or BPP PE's list price from time to time. As a Qualifying Student, if you qualify for any exemptions from the ACCA, CIMA, CFA® or CTA (as applicable) in relation to the relevant Free Course, you may not attend the modules of a Free Course which relate to such exemptions.

  3. In order to be a Qualifying Student, you must meet all of the following criteria ("Free Course Criteria"):

  4. You must be enrolled with the University on either the full time or part time LLB, GDL, BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) at one of the University's centres in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, Liverpool or Manchester. The BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee does not apply to the LLB GDL Conversion course or any LLB or GDL Revision Course;

  5. Where you enrol on the LLB or the GDL with the University, you must pass all modules of and examinations relating to such course at the first attempt and enrol with BPP for the BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) which starts in the year in which you pass your LLB or GDL (as the case may be);

  6. You must successfully pass and complete the BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) with the University in accordance with the timescales set for completion of the BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) (as the case may be) by the University from time to time.  You must pass the BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) programme (as the case may be) without having had to retake 3 or more modules and you must complete the programme within 6 months of the scheduled end of the programme;

  7. You must meet all eligibility criteria for the Free Course on which you wish to enrol;

  8. You must not, having used reasonable endeavours, have been offered a pupillage or secured another permanent professional legal employment (either in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) within six (6) calendar months of graduating from the BPTC or the LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) (as the case may be);

  9. You must enrol on a Free Course no later than twelve (12) months after graduating from the BPTC or the LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) (as the case may be);

  10. You must successfully complete the relevant Free Course and all examination papers relevant to that Free Course within the timescales set for completion by the University or BPP PE (as the case may be);

  11. You must have successfully applied for any applicable exemptions from the ACCA, CIMA, CFA® or CTA (as applicable) in relation to the relevant Free Course;

  12. Your attendance on the BPTC or the LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) (as the case may be) must exceed 80%;

  13. You must meet the eligibility criteria to join the relevant legal professional bodies in the UK; and

  14. You must be an EU Resident and have all relevant documentation in place to allow you to undertake the relevant Free Course.

  15. Neither the University nor BPP PE will sponsor any Student to study a Free Course. Any visa granted pursuant to enrolment on the LLB, GDL, BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) (as the case may be) shall not be considered as valid for the purposes of the Free Course.

  16. The University may require Qualifying Students to produce documentary evidence of a Qualifying Student's endeavours to secure a pupillage or another permanent professional legal employment within 6 calendar months of graduating from their BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers). The assessment of whether a Qualifying Student has used reasonable endeavours to secure a pupillage or another permanent professional legal employment shall be at the sole discretion of the University.

  1. The BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee can only be redeemed against a new qualifying booking onto the LLB, GDL, BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) where you have not, before 1 October 2014 ("Start Date"), already accepted the offer of a place on one of those courses from the University. Any offer of the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee by the University to such Students is at the University's sole discretion.

  2. The BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion run by the University and/or BPP PE, including but not limited to BPP PE's Pass Assurance Scheme.

  3. The BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee is non-transferable by you (either to another person or to another course run by the University and/or BPP PE) and no cash alternative will be offered.


  1. The University reserves the right to withdraw the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee at any time without notice. However, the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee will not be withdrawn for you where you are already a Qualifying Student at the time of such withdrawal.

  2. The University and/or BPP PE may amend the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee, these the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee Terms and/or their respective the University General Terms or BPP PE General Terms (as applicable) from time to time to comply with law or regulation or in order to meet its reasonable business requirements from time to time. Such amendment may happen without notice to you. Any updates or amendments will be posted on the University or BPP PE's (as the case may be) website.

  3. Save as amended by these Additional Terms, the University or BPP PE's (as applicable) standard cancellation and deferral terms set out in the University General Terms or BPP PE General Terms (as applicable) will apply to the applicable Free Course.

  4. In the event that you (i) cancel your place on the LLB, GDL,BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) after having accepted that place, (ii) withdraws from the LLB, GDL,BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) at any time during such course or (iii) are withdrawn from the LLB, GDL,  BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) at any time, you shall no longer be entitled to redeem the applicable Free Course nor any part of the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee. The BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee will no longer be available to you even if it is still generally available to other Qualifying Students and/or International Qualifying Students (as applicable).

  5. Should any refund or credit note be due to you as part of the LLB, GDL, BPTC or LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) or otherwise, the value of such refund or credit note will be the amount of fees actually paid by you excluding any discount offered as part of the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee. Should you choose to defer the start date of the BPTC in accordance with the University General Terms, the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee will not apply to the rebooking of the deferred course and additional course fees may be payable.

  6. If having booked a Free Course, such Free Course is cancelled by the University or BPP PE (as applicable), you may either (i) book onto the next intake of that Free Course; or (ii) book onto another Free Course. No cash alternative is available in relation to any Free Course.

Data protection

  1. The University will process the information it receives from you or otherwise holds about you in accordance with these Additional Terms, the University General Terms, and its privacy policy, which is available at

  2. In the event that you do not wish to receive correspondence from the University or any member of the BPP group of companies, you should email BPP at, telephone customer services on 0845 075 0011 or write to the BPP Customer Services Director at BPP Professional Education Group, Aldine House, Aldine Place, 142-144 Uxbridge Road, London, W12 8AW.


  1. If there is any conflict between these Additional Terms and the University General Terms and/or the BPP PE General Terms in relation to the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee, these Additional Terms will prevail.

  2. Neither the University nor BPP PE is liable for any delay or failure to perform any obligation to you that is caused by any circumstance beyond their reasonable control or by any act or omission of any third party. Neither the University nor BPP PE shall be liable to you for any financial loss arising out of the refusal, cancellation or withdrawal of any the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee or any failure or inability by you to redeem the BPTC & LLM Legal Practice (Barristers) Career Guarantee for any reason.

  3. These Additional Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Additional Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the University and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts with regard to any claim arising under or in connection with these Additional Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Additional Terms.